Digitization of the legal coverage assessment at DAS

Urgency and goal

A legal conflict can happen to anyone. For example, due to a labor dispute or damage due to a collision. The moment you have a dispute and you cannot resolve it yourself, you can call in legal assistance insurance of DAS. In order to provide the best possible service to customers who call for a dispute, lawyers from an insurance company need, in addition to up-to-date personal data, policy details and associated policy conditions. 

At DAS, this project aimed to address the issue where customers received general advice. And were directed to report their concerns on the website when they called. Subsequently, internal lawyers had to collect data from distribution partners over the phone. Leading to high internal resource demands and delays in customer assistance. To streamline this process, we digitized the method for retrieving customer data. Enabling legal service center employees to access accurate data instantly with the click of a button. The main goal of this project was to significantly reduce the lead time of customer reports.


The chosen solution direction for this project at DAS was to realize an automatic delivery of customer and policy data from more than 100 cooperating distribution partners. With the digitization of the working method, lawyers do not have to call distribution partners to request data for every customer report.

The result of this change is that the customer can get a coverage assessment right on the phone. Rather than afterwards. Due to this efficiency measure, the first time right score is 51%, which means that since the implementation of the policy database. The report can be handled immediately in half of the cases. The legal department can now deal with more clients per day. This because the number of manual steps per case has been significantly reduced.

“Mascha is able to quickly gain an overview and structure in a complex playing field. Driven to achieve results, Mascha pays a lot of attention to the right composition of the team and manages stakeholders in an excellent manner. intervenes at the right time to make adjustments where necessary.Mascha has made an important contribution to the digitization of part of the work of the lawyers at DAS.”

– Nicoline van Rhijn | Director Legal service Center daS

Main deliverables

  • A working (policy) database linked to the internal customer service system
  • Automatic data delivery from cooperating insurers
  • Process description for data management
  • Roles and responsibilities assigned

Our role and approach

Bliss*er, Mascha Barelds, has fulfilled the role of project leader to guide the team at DAS. Filling this database required cooperation between different departments and specialists (such as legal assistance, IT, data specialists, sales and account management). Mascha fulfilled the role of determining the scope, coordinating the team to achieve the milestones, achieving the go-lives and making adjustments when necessary.

They handed over the project to the department management on September 1, 2022. For this handover, Mascha has provided job profiles and work processes.They assembled a team on this basis. 70% of all data was in the policy database after delivery. The operational team delivers the remaining data in addition to managing the current data.

Indication of complexity

  • Role complexity: medior
  • Steering group level: director
  • Lead time in months: 13

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